Threats of invasive and alien predatory mammal species.

Raccoon, raccoon dog & Co: Dangers of invasive and alien predatory mammal species for health and ecology
Research project "ZOWIAC" of Goethe University and Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung is funded with a total of three quarters of a million euros.

Raccoon, raccoon dog, mink and golden jackal are not native to Germany and Europe, but are spreading more and more. How these invasive and alien species threaten biodiversity and what diseases they can transmit to humans or animals is now being investigated by the collaborative research project ZOWIAC “Zoonotic and Wildlife Ecological Impacts of Invasive Carnivores” of the Goethe University Frankfurt and the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung. The project is supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) both technically and financially. The research project receives additional funding and support from Senckenberg, the Landesjagdverband Hessen e.V. and the Landesjagdverband Bayern – Bayerischer Jagdverband e.V. and involves nature conservation groups, hunters and citizens in the research work.

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