News, video, newspaper articles, press releases, and podcasts about the project.
As part of a study, over 2,200 people from nine different stakeholder groups in Germany with direct contact to invasive species were asked about their perception of IAS. The number of invasive species was estimated approximately correctly in all groups, while the economic damage was underestimated. However, all stakeholder groups regarded IAS as a problem and see a need to take action in dealing with them. Those affected should be made more aware of invasive species and the damage and problems they cause in order to develop effective management.
Kleespies MW, Dörge DD, Peter N, Schantz AV, Skaljic A, Feucht V, Burger-Schulz AL, Dierkes PW, Klimpel S 2024. Identifying opportunities for invasive species management: an empirical study of stakeholder perceptions and interest in invasive species. Biological Invasions.
Kleespies MW, Dörge DD, Peter N, Schantz AV, Skaljic A, Feucht V, Burger-Schulz AL, Dierkes PW, Klimpel S 2024. Identifying opportunities for invasive species management: an empirical study of stakeholder perceptions and interest in invasive species. Biological Invasions.
In water-associated nature reserves, 108 raccoons (Procyon lotor) were examined for their predation and potential impacts on native species. Stomach and fecal samples were analyzed to determine their diet. Additionally, the parasite fauna was recorded, as insights into further prey organisms can be drawn from their specific life cycles. Evidence such as common toads (Bufo bufo) or smooth newts (Lissotriton vulgaris), as well as parasites like Euryhelmis squamula, indicate that raccoons exert predation pressure on sensitive species, especially amphibians. Three parasites—Hymenolepis erinacei, Physocephalus sexalatus, and Pomphorhynchus laevis—were newly documented for raccoons in Europe.
Peter N, Schantz AV, Dörge DD, Steinhoff A, Cunze S Skaljic A, Klimpel S. 2024. Evidence of predation pressure on sensitive species by raccoons based on parasitological studies. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 100935.
Peter N, Schantz AV, Dörge DD, Steinhoff A, Cunze S Skaljic A, Klimpel S. 2024. Evidence of predation pressure on sensitive species by raccoons based on parasitological studies. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 100935.
If a person is infected with the raccoon roundworm Baylisascaris procyonis, this can lead to larva migrans with serious consequences. These include a. o. neurological problems, which can lead to death under certain circumstances. This parasite is spread by the raccoon, which is invasive in Europe. In order to investigate the occurrence in raccoon populations in France, a total of 300 raccoons were examined between 2011 and 2021. For the first time, three B. procyonis organisms were detected in a juvenile raccoon near the Belgian and Luxembourg borders. It is still unclear how the human pathogenic nematode was introduced into the otherwise uninfected population and what consequences this could have in the future.
Umhang G, et al. 2024. Surveys on Baylisascaris procyonis in two of the three French wild raccoon populations. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 23, 100928.
Umhang G, et al. 2024. Surveys on Baylisascaris procyonis in two of the three French wild raccoon populations. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 23, 100928.