
Esox lucius

Order: Pikes (Esociformes)
Family: Esocidae
AREA OF ORIGIN: Europe – North Asia – North America
Diet: Fish – Birds – Frogs – Small mammals

The pike is characterized by its torpedo-shaped body, which allows it to accelerate quickly. Its mouth contains sharp fang-like teeth, which are foldable in the upper jaw, making it difficult for prey to escape. The fins often have dark spots or bands and can be colored from gray-green to reddish-yellow. The body color varies with age, and the belly is white. The pike can reach a body length of about 150 cm. The pike is a typical predator and prefers still or slow-flowing waters. Their reproduction begins very early in the year (Hauer, 2021).

Diet: Very young, small pikes primarily feed on aquatic insects, crustaceans, and smaller fish. Larger pikes mainly prefer larger fish as prey (Sandlund et al., 2016), but frogs, birds, and small mammals that are in or near the water are also preyed upon.

Threat status: The pike is classified as “Least Concern” both globally and in Germany according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and the Red List Center.

Exemplary Sources
  • Hauer W (2021)
    Fische, Krebse & Muscheln in heimischen Seen und Flüssen: 120 Arten in über 350 Lebendabbildungen. 2. Auflage. Leopold Stocker Verlag, Graz Stuttgart
  • Sandlund OT et al. (2016)
    Migration, growth patterns, and diet of pike (Esox lucius) in a river reservoir and its inflowing river. Fisheries Research 173: 53–60