Turdus philomelos
The song thrush can reach a body length of up to 23 cm. The upper part of its plumage is brownish in color, while the underside is lighter with brown to black spots. The underwings are characterized by a yellowish coloration (Schaefer 2018). The legs are pinkish, and the beak is black with a pale base. This species inhabits gardens, parks, as well as coniferous, deciduous, and mixed forests. Young birds are initially cared for by both parents. For wintering, Turdus philomelos primarily migrates to Southern Europe and North Africa.
Diet: The song thrush primarily feeds on insects, worms, and snails. However, it also includes plant components such as berries and seeds in its diet.
Conservation status: According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and the Red List of Germany, the song thrush is classified as “Least Concern.”
Schaefer, M (2018)Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland. Ein Bestimmungsbuch unserer heimischen Tierwelt: Quelle & Meyer Verlag GmbH & Co.