Muscardinus avellanarius
The garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), a member of the Gliridae family, can reach a head-body length of 110 mm to 150 mm, a tail length of 90 mm to 120 mm, and a weight between 60 g and 140 g. It often inhabits human-associated environments such as gardens but is also found in forests (Schaefer 2018). A distinctive feature of this species is its bushy tail and the dark facial markings in the form of a black stripe running from the eyes to behind the ears. The upper side of the body is grayish-brown, while the belly is significantly lighter. Garden dormice hibernate during the winter, with the mating season beginning in spring (Catzeflis 1955). The exact causes of this species’ decline remain unknown.
Diet: Eliomys quercinus has an omnivorous diet. Its food includes seeds, fruits, and invertebrates, and less frequently, bird eggs and nestlings, small reptiles, amphibians, or rodents (Catzeflis 1955).
Conservation Status: The garden dormouse is listed as “Near Threatened” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species across Europe. In Germany’s Red List, it is already classified as “Endangered.”
Catzeflis, F (1995)Eliomys quercinus. In: Säugetiere der Schweiz/Mammifères de la Suisse/Mammiferi della Svizzera. Birkhäuser, Basel, S. 244-248.
Schaefer, M (2018)Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland. Ein Bestimmungsbuch unserer heimischen Tierwelt: Quelle & Meyer Verlag GmbH & Co.