
Pica pica

Order: Passeriformes
Family: Corvidae
Diet: insects – small mammals – eggs – carrion – seeds

The magpie belongs to the corvid family and is unmistakable due to its black-and-white plumage and long, graduated tail. It measures between 44 and 48 cm in length and has a wingspan of about 60 cm. It is one of the most well-known birds in our region and is often found in open, sparsely wooded landscapes, agricultural areas with bushes and trees, as well as in parks, settlements, and city outskirts (Sauer 1982, Baeman & Madge 1998). Magpies live in permanent partnerships and build large, domed nests. The breeding season begins in April and ends in June, with five to six eggs usually laid per clutch. Magpies are opportunistic and highly adaptable synanthropic birds that skillfully utilize all resources of human-shaped landscapes (Sauer 1982).

Diet: During the warmer months, magpies mainly feed on insects but can also hunt mice and raid other birds’ nests. In winter, they rely on human-made resources, grains, and plant seeds. In general, magpies are highly opportunistic feeders and also consume carrion as a food source (Sauer 1982).

Threat status: Globally, the magpie is classified as “least concern” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In Germany, it is also listed as “not endangered” on the national Red List.

Exemplary Sources
  • Sauer F (1982)
    Die farbigen Naturführer: Landvögel, Mosaik-Verlag GmbH, München
  • Beaman M & Madge S (1998)
    Handbuch der Vogelbestimmung: Europa und Westpaläarktis, Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart