Wild Rabbit

Oryctolagus cuniculus

Order: Lagomorpha
Family: Leporidae
AREA OF ORIGIN: Europe – North Asia – North America
Diet: Grass – Herbs – Leaves – Bark – Branches

The wild rabbit, also known as the European wild rabbit, belongs to the hare family. It reaches a body size of about 35-50 cm and a weight of 1.5-2.5 kg. The body is brown, and the tail, also called “blume,” has a white underside. Rabbits are very social animals and live in groups, digging their burrows up to two meters deep. The preferred habitat of Oryctolagus cuniculus includes semi-open agricultural land with bushes and trees, and they are also found in parks, embankments, or cemeteries. Female animals can give birth to 6-7 litters per year, but on average, it is 3-4 litters with 2-8 young (Rühle, 2017).

Diet: Wild rabbits are strictly herbivores, with a preference for grains and grass seeds. They can cause significant damage to agricultural land due to their feeding habits (Rühle, 2017).

Threat status: The wild rabbit is classified as “endangered” by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and in Germany, it is listed as “near-threatened” on the Red List Center. It is believed that the population decline is mainly caused by diseases such as myxomatosis (Meining et al. 2020).

Exemplary Sources
  • Meinig H et al. (2020)
    Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Säugetiere (Mammalia) Deutschlands. BfN-Schriftenvertrieb im Landwirtschaftsverlag.
  • Rühle A (2017)
    Das Kaninchen: Nahrung und Gesundheit. Books on Demand, Norderstedt.