Trichinella (Trichinella spp., nematodes) parasitize in the muscle tissue of mammals (including humans), birds, and reptiles. Transmission to a new host occurs exclusively through the consumption of raw meat containing infectious larvae. In order to expand the knowledge about Trichinella in raccoon dogs, a study on their occurrence in Brandenburg was conducted. A total of 1527 raccoon dogs were examined between 2000 and 2014. On average, 1.9% of raccoon dogs tested positive for Trichinella. 90% of the positive animals were infected with Trichinella spiralis, with one animal each infected with Trichinella britovi and Trichinella pseudospiralis. In infected animals, the number of larvae found in muscle tissue ranged up to 235 larvae per gram.
Mayer-Scholl A et al. (2016) Study on the occurrence of Trichinella spp. in raccoon dogs in Brandenburg, Germany. Veterinary Parasitology 231:102-105
Mayer-Scholl A et al. (2016) Study on the occurrence of Trichinella spp. in raccoon dogs in Brandenburg, Germany. Veterinary Parasitology 231:102-105
Trichinen sind zoonotische Parasiten; fleischfressende Säugetiere sind wichtige Reservoirwirte für diese Nematoden. Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Befallshäufigkeit (Prävalenz) von Trichinella spp. und die Infektionsintensität bei sylvatischen fleischfressenden Säugetieren in Lettland zu ermitteln. Von 2010 bis 2014 wurden Muskelproben von 1286 erlegten Tieren gesammelt (2 Europäische Dachse, 137 Baummarder, 24 Steinmarder, 4 Goldschakale, 394 Marderhunde, 668 Rotfüchse, 23 Grauwölfe, 34 Eurasische Luchse). Insgesamt wurden 633 Tiere, die allen acht untersuchten Arten angehörten, positiv auf Trichinella spp. Larven getestet. Es wurden 4 Goldschakale (3 Tiere waren positiv, Prävalenz 75,0%) und 394 Marderhunde (147 waren positiv, 37,3%) untersucht.
Deksne G et al. (2016) High prevalence of Trichinella spp. in sylvatic carnivore mammals of Latvia. Veterinary Parasitology 231:118-123
Deksne G et al. (2016) High prevalence of Trichinella spp. in sylvatic carnivore mammals of Latvia. Veterinary Parasitology 231:118-123
In the study, 172 red foxes and 60 golden jackals were examined for parasites. The samples were collected between 2010 and 2014 in eight regions of Serbia. In the examined golden jackals, 9 different parasite species were detected: protozoa of the genus Isospora, three species of trematodes (Alaria alata, Pseudamphistomum truncatum, Metagonimus yokogawai), cestodes of the genus Taenia, and four species of nematodes (Toxocara canis, Ancylostomatidae, Trichuris vulpis, Capillaria aerophila). The detection of the fluke M. yokogawai represents the first record in golden jackals in Serbia.
Ilić T et al. (2016) Endoparasitic fauna of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Serbia. Acta Parasitologica 61:389-396
Ilić T et al. (2016) Endoparasitic fauna of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Serbia. Acta Parasitologica 61:389-396